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8 Furnishing for public buildings designed by Form Us With Love and Gaetano Pesce


Wool felt armchair

$ 8,727.68
La Cividina

JOIN | 3 seater sofa

3 seater leisure sofa

$ 5,170.45
La Cividina

JOIN | High-back sofa

High-back fabric sofa

$ 4,881.82
La Cividina

JOIN | 2 seater sofa

2 seater leisure sofa

$ 3,484.40
La Cividina

JOIN | Armchair

Armchair with armrests

$ 2,971.14
La Cividina

JOIN | High-back armchair

Upholstered fabric armchair high-back

$ 2,916.29
La Cividina

JOIN | Easy chair

Upholstered guest chair with armrests

$ 2,580.65
La Cividina

JOIN | Contemporary style bench

Backless bench seating

$ 2,234.56